If you have any interest whatsoever in making money from FTSE 350, small cap and, mainly, AIM shares you want free share tips from experts. We send you one tip, each weekday morning. Unsubscribe anytime.

We are not a broker, we don't want your phone number, no salesman will contact you – we just provide free and informed comment and analysis on everything from small caps ('penny shares') and AIM stocks up to FTSE100 and FTSE250 blue chips. Our primary focus is on AIM and small caps but we look at value investments, growth stocks and also shorting opportunities. Our five comprehensive reports a week are all researched by a team of expert analysts who meet the CEOs of hundreds of quoted companies every year and look at markets daily.

Risk Warning

The hot share tips given here are of necessity, general. They cannot relate to the individual circumstances of investors. Anyone considering following the share tips contained here should seek independent advice from a Financial Conduct Authority authorised Stockbroker or Financial Adviser. We cannot be held liable if individuals suffer losses through following share tips contained on this site or emailed out as free share tips. The value of investments can go down as well as up. The past is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Investing in shares can lose you part or all of your capital although the potential returns are theoretically unlimited. The difference between the buy share price and the sell share price for smaller company shares (penny shares) can be significant. Profits from dealing in shares may be liable to tax - the level of tax and bases of relief from tax are subject to change. Changes in the rates of exchange may have an adverse effect on the value or price of an investment in sterling terms if it is denominated in a foreign currency. Some of the shares recommended on this site will be smaller company shares. By their nature such investments can be relatively illiquid and thus hard to trade. And that makes such investments more of a high risk than larger company shares (or 'small caps'/'penny shares'). FiveFreeShareTips.com & its sister site ShareProphets.com defines a smaller company share as any stock traded on AIM or NEX or which has a market capitalisation of less than £300 million.

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